VR Pizza Boi – Dortmunder Lager
$13.00 USD
VR Pizza Boi
Dortmunder Lager – 5.1% ABV
4PK – 16oz Cans
When Riverbend Malt does a cool malt swap with Skagit Valley Malting, you order that Talisman malt REAL FRIGGIN’ QUICK. These two craft maltsters did a base malt swap, and then malted grains from each others’ respective areas (rather than focusing on their own local malt), so this was the perfect opportunity to do some fun experimentation with terroir. Thus, “VR Pizza Boi” was born.
With this in mind, we changed up the plan and brewed a style we’ve been keeping in our pocket for something a little more fun: DORTMUNDER EXPORT LAGER. Yeah, that’s right… the style EVERYONE has just constantly been asking for. Essentially, this style is similar to a Pilsner, but less bitter, and similar to a Helles, but more malt-forward, and with a much harder water profile than either of those. Subtle bitterness, pronounced malt, high minerality. Hell yeah.
Notes of fresh baguettes in the morning, a hint of fruit akin to sucking on a Peach noyaux, licking a real nice granite countertop, and a lovely Honeysuckle bouquet. This probably goes well with pizza. Just sayin’.
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