Hey Hey Yah Yah – Festbier

$15.00 USD

Hey Hey Yah Yah
Festbier – 5.8%
4PK – 16oz Cans


“Hey Hey Yah Yah” Festbier, brewed just in time for SHREKTOBERFEST. Mashed with a 100% Riverbend Malt grist, composed of a blend of Chesapeake Pilsner, Light Munich, Vienna, and Chit Malt, hopped aggressively with Hallertauer Mittelfruh, fermented low and slow with our House Lager yeast, spunded for natural carbonation, and laid down to Lager in our Horizontal Tanks for many-a-moon.

We experience soft and savory pretzels, the underside of a freshly toasted biscuit that was left to sit for JUST too long on the pan, that first crisp nip of Fall in the air, and a gentle and restrained Noble hop kiss. Malty, light, and oh-so-crushable. Prost, y’all! The perfect beer to paint you face green to, wet your whistle before an Epic Ogre ROAR, or to FLEX those honking biceps while Steinholding for all the swamp glory!!!

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