Split Tongue Talker – White Chocolate Peanut Butter Imperial Honey Stout (Collab w/ Horus Aged Ales)
$20.00 USD
Split Tongue Talker
White Chocolate Peanut Butter Imperial Honey Stout (Collab w/ Horus Aged Ales) – 11% ABV
1 Bottle – 1 PINT 9 FL OZ
Fun bird fact: The feathery flightless ostrich’s muscular legs are powerful enough to kill man and lion alike.
Another fun fact: We have officially embarked upon probably our most extensive collab project to date, with the formidable and legendary Horus Aged Ales. When Kyle came down to visit a few months ago (Omg, was it like a year ago?! WHAT IS TIME?!), we brainstormed and came up with the idea to make a whole slew of different alcoholic beverages all based around one solitary ingredient: HONEY. We got to talking about our favorite Honeys, and Kyle brought one up that we haven’t tried yet: Hawaiian Lehua Honey. And just like that, the wheels began to turn.
So here we are with the first release (of, honestly, probably like 6-7x) within that realm!
“Split Tongue Talker” is an Imperial Honey Stout w/ Peanuts, White Chocolate, and Sea Salt. We started with a big ol’ Stout base comprised of Riverbend and Proximity Malt, along with some other specialty and roasted malts. We then boiled this beast for MANY hours, and cast it out into the Whirlpool with some Hawaiian Lehua Honey, and then fermented it with a blend of English yeasts.We then transferred this beer onto a very large dose of fresh-ground Roasted Peanuts, a tiny bit of Sea Salt, and A LOT of Cocoa Butter (that’s the base of White Chocolate, for the normies) from French Broad Chocolates.
Notes of “Holy fuckin shit”, thiccc and creamy White Chocolate chunk brownies, Nutty Buddy bars dipped in super fruity Honey, a bit of Marshmallow-y fruity goodness (from the Honey!), and hot-out-the-oven Peanut Butter Cookies. Maybe also a Tagalong cookie or twelve, just completely doused in White Chocolate. Who eats one of those, honestly?
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